Nhà Phân Phối Labom Tại Việt Nam

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       Hiện nay việc đo áp suất và nhiệt độ để giám sát trong các hệ thống nhà máy ngày càng yêu cầu độ chính xác cao, đáp ứng tốc độ xử lý chính xác. Hãng Labom đã sản xuất và thiết kế các sản phẩm về thiết bị Đồng hồ Đo Áp Suất, Đồng Hồ Đo Nhiệt Độ, Bộ Chuyển Đổi tín Hiệu Nhiệt Độ, Bộ Chuyển Đổi Tín Hiệu Nhiệt Độ, Bộ Hiển Thị Giám Sát Nhiệt Độ, Bộ Hiển thị Điều Khiển Nhiệt Độ,... phù hợp cho nhiều ứng dụng khác nhau của các ngành nghề như : CÔNG NGHIỆP HÓA CHẤT / HÓA DẦU, CÔNG NGHIỆP DƯỢC PHẨM / CÔNG NGHỆ SINH HỌC, THỰC PHẨM, NGÀNH SƠN / NGÀNH NHỰA, MÁY MÓC / Ô TÔ, THIẾT BỊ ĐÓNG TÀU VÀ HÀNG HẢI, NHÀ MÁY ĐIỆN, QUẢN LÝ NƯỚC / NƯỚC THẢI.

I. Danh Mục Sản Phẩm Labom

1.Thiết Bị Đo Áp Suất Labom| Pressure Measurement LABOM

Thiết Bị Đo Áp Suất Labom| Pressure Measurement LABOM

- Đồng Hồ Đo Áp Suất Điện Tử Labom: giúp người dùng có thể quản lý và giám sát áp Suất tại chỗ lắp đặt với tín hiệu được hiển thị tại chỗ. Sản Phẩm được ứng dụng trong các ngành công nghiệp chế biến, trong ngành năng lượng.

- Đồng Hồ Đo Áp Suất Labom (Dạng  Cơ ) : được sử dụng trong các ứng dụng đo công nghiệp để đo cục bộ và đọc áp suất. Chúng có thiết kế đơn giản, mạnh mẽ và đáng tin cậy và không cần bất kỳ năng lượng bên ngoài nào. Chúng truyền áp suất thông qua biến dạng đàn hồi của thanh đồng chịu lực trong buồng áp suất. Biến dạng này được chuyển cơ học đến màn hình áp suất. Đồng hồ đo áp suất cơ học được sử dụng trong phạm vi áp suất rộng từ 2,5 mbar đến 1.000 bar.

- Thiết Bị màng áp suất gắn trên đồng hồ áp suất: là các phân vùng trong các dụng cụ đo áp suất ngăn không cho môi trường đo vào hệ thống đo. Điều này có nghĩa là chúng bảo vệ các thiết bị đo khỏi môi trường đo mạnh, có độ nhớt cao hoặc tắc nghẽn và nhiệt độ trung bình đo cao, làm giảm dao động áp suất đo và đỉnh áp suất và tăng khả năng chống quá tải.

► Danh Mục Mã Sản Phẩm Của Thiết Bị Đo Áp Suất LABOM


Product name


Mechanical Pressure Measurement

1 Bourdon tube pressure gauge per EN 837-1, NS 63,
Type series BA41../BA44..  
2 Bourdon tube pressure gauge per EN 837-1, NS 63,
Type series BA41../BA44..  
3 Bourdon tube pressure gauge per EN 837-1, NS 63,
Type series BA41../BA44..  
4 Bourdon tube pressure gauge per EN 837-1, NS 63,
Type series BA41../BA44..  
5 Bourdon tube pressure gauge per EN 837-1, NS 63,
Type series BA41../BA44..  
6 Bourdon tube pressure gauge per EN 837-1, NS 63,
Type series BA41../BA44..  
7 Bourdon tube pressure gauge per EN 837-1, NS 63,
Type series BA41../BA44..  
8 Bourdon tube pressure gauge per EN 837-1, NS 63,
Type series BA41../BA44..  
9 Bourdon tube pressure gauge per EN 837-1, NS 63,
Type series BA41../BA44..  
10 Bourdon tube pressure gauge per DIN EN 837-1, NS 63 / NS 100
Type series BA51../BA 52.. ECO
BA5100 ECO 
11 Bourdon tube pressure gauge per DIN EN 837-1, NS 63 / NS 100
Type series BA51../BA 52.. ECO
BA5170 ECO 
12 Bourdon tube pressure gauge per DIN EN 837-1, NS 63 / NS 100
Type series BA51../BA 52.. ECO
BA5120 ECO 
13 Bourdon tube pressure gauge per DIN EN 837-1, NS 63 / NS 100
Type series BA51../BA 52.. ECO
BA5180 ECO 
14 Bourdon tube pressure gauge per DIN EN 837-1, NS 63 / NS 100
Type series BA51../BA 52.. ECO
BA5200 ECO 
15 Bourdon tube pressure gauge per DIN EN 837-1, NS 63 / NS 100
Type series BA51../BA 52.. ECO
BA5220 ECO 
16 Bourdon tube pressure gauge NS 100 per EN 837-1
stainless steel industrial design, , Type series BA52 . . 
17 Bourdon tube pressure gauge NS 100 per EN 837-1
stainless steel industrial design, , Type series BA52 . . 
18 Bourdon tube pressure gauge NS 100 per EN 837-1
stainless steel industrial design, , Type series BA52 . . 
19 Bourdon tube pressure gauge NS 100 per EN 837-1
stainless steel industrial design, , Type series BA52 . . 
20 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, NS 100/160, EN 837-1
high quality design, degree of protection IP 65, Type series BA42 . ./BA43 . . 
21 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, NS 100/160, EN 837-1
high quality design, degree of protection IP 65, Type series BA42 . ./BA43 . . 
22 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, NS 100/160, EN 837-1
high quality design, degree of protection IP 65, Type series BA42 . ./BA43 . . 
23 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, NS 100/160, EN 837-1
high quality design, degree of protection IP 65, Type series BA42 . ./BA43 . . 
24 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, NS 100/160, EN 837-1
high quality design, degree of protection IP 65, Type series BA42 . ./BA43 . . 
25 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, NS 100/160, EN 837-1
high quality design, degree of protection IP 65, Type series BA42 . ./BA43 . . 
26 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, NS 100/160, EN 837-1
high quality design, degree of protection IP 65, Type series BA42 . ./BA43 . . 
27 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, NS 100/160, EN 837-1
high quality design, degree of protection IP 65, Type series BA42 . ./BA43 . . 
28 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, precision instrument, NS 160, EN 837-1
degree of protection IP 65, Type series BA63../BA66.. 
29 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, precision instrument, NS 160, EN 837-1
degree of protection IP 65, Type series BA63../BA66.. 
30 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, precision instrument, NS 160, EN 837-1
degree of protection IP 65, Type series BA63../BA66.. 
31 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, precision instrument, NS 160, EN 837-1
degree of protection IP 65, Type series BA63../BA66.. 
32 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, NS 100/160, high quality design
case with liquid filling (IP 66), Type series BA42../BA43..
33 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, NS 100/160, high quality design
case with liquid filling (IP 66), Type series BA42../BA43..
34 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, NS 100/160, high quality design
case with liquid filling (IP 66), Type series BA42../BA43..
35 Bourdon tube pressure gauge, NS 100/160, high quality design
case with liquid filling (IP 66), Type series BA42../BA43..
36 Pressure gauge ECOnomic for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Type series BH5... ECO NS 63/100 
BH5100 ECO 
37 Pressure gauge ECOnomic for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Type series BH5... ECO NS 63/100 
BH5110 ECO 
38 Pressure gauge ECOnomic for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Type series BH5... ECO NS 63/100
BH5120 ECO 
39 Pressure gauge ECOnomic for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Type series BH5... ECO NS 63/100
BH5130 ECO 
40 Pressure gauge ECOnomic for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Type series BH5... ECO NS 63/100
BH5200 ECO 
41 Pressure gauge ECOnomic for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Type series BH5... ECO NS 63/100
BH5210 ECO 
42 Pressure gauge ECOnomic for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Type series BH5... ECO NS 63/100
BH5220 ECO 
43 Pressure gauge ECOnomic for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Type series BH5... ECO NS 63/100
BH5230 ECO 
44 Bourdon tube pressure gauge for diaphragm seals
NS 100, Type series BH42.. 
45 Pressure gauge ECOnomic for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Type series BH5... ECO NS 63/100
46 Pressure gauge ECOnomic for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Type series BH5... ECO NS 63/100
47 Pressure gauge ECOnomic for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Type series BH5... ECO NS 63/100
48 Pressure gauge ECOnomic for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Type series BH5... ECO NS 63/100
49 Pressure gauge ECOnomic for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Type series BH5... ECO NS 63/100
50 Precision pressure gauges with flush mounted miniature process connection, Type series BH62.. BH6200 
51 Pressure gauge ECOnomic for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Type series BH5... ECO NS 63/100
52 Bourdon tube pressure gauge for diaphragm seals
NS 100, Type series BH42.. 
53 Bourdon tube pressure gauge for diaphragm seals
NS 100, Type series BH42.. 
54 Bourdon tube pressure gauge for diaphragm seals
NS 100, Type series BH42.. 
55 Bourdon tube pressure gauge for diaphragm seals
NS 100, Type series BH42.. 
56 Bourdon tube pressure gauge for diaphragm seals
NS 100, Type series BH42.. 
57 Bourdon tube pressure gauge for diaphragm seals
NS 100, Type series BH42.. 
58 Precision pressure gauges with flush mounted miniature process connection, Type series BH62..  BH6200
59 Precision pressure gauges with flush mounted miniature process connection, Type series BH62..  BH6210
60 Bourdon tube pressure gauge
safety pattern gauge per EN 837-1 S3, Type series BA45../BA46.. 
61 Bourdon tube pressure gauge
safety pattern gauge per EN 837-1 S3, Type series BA45../BA46.. 
62 Bourdon tube pressure gauge
safety pattern gauge per EN 837-1 S3, Type series BA45../BA46.. 
63 Bourdon tube pressure gauge
safety pattern gauge per EN 837-1 S3, Type series BA45../BA46.. 
64 Bourdon tube pressure gauge per EN 8371-1 S3
high overload protected, Type series BA4550, BA4560
65 Bourdon tube pressure gauge per EN 8371-1 S3
high overload protected, Type series BA4550, BA4560
66 Diaphragm pressure gauge
per EN 837-3, chemical design DN 100/160, Type series BA2... 
67 Diaphragm pressure gauge
per EN 837-3, chemical design DN 100/160, Type series BA2... 
68 Diaphragm pressure gauge
per EN 837-3, chemical design DN 100/160, Type series BA2... 
69 Diaphragm pressure gauge
per EN 837-3, chemical design DN 100/160, Type series BA2... 
70 Diaphragm pressure gauge
per EN 837-3, chemical design DN 100/160, Type series BA2... 
71 Diaphragm pressure gauge
per EN 837-3, chemical design DN 100/160, Type series BA2... 
72 Diaphragm pressure gauge
per EN 837-3, chemical design DN 100/160, Type series BA2... 
73 Diaphragm pressure gauge
per EN 837-3, chemical design DN 100/160, Type series BA2... 
74 Capsular pressure gauge per EN 837-3
stainless steel chemical design, NS 100/160, Type series BA12../BA13.. 
75 Capsular pressure gauge per EN 837-3
stainless steel chemical design, NS 100/160, Type series BA12../BA13.. 
76 Capsular pressure gauge per EN 837-3
stainless steel chemical design, NS 100/160, Type series BA12../BA13.. 
77 Capsular pressure gauge per EN 837-3
stainless steel chemical design, NS 100/160, Type series BA12../BA13.. 
78 Absolute pressure gauge with diaphragm
chemical design NS 100/160, Type series BB2... 
79 Absolute pressure gauge with diaphragm
chemical design NS 100/160, Type series BB2... 
80 Absolute pressure gauge with diaphragm
chemical design NS 100/160, Type series BB2... 
81 Absolute pressure gauge with diaphragm
chemical design NS 100/160, Type series BB2... 
82 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm
per EN 837-3, NS 100/160, Type series BD2... 
83 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm
per EN 837-3, NS 100/160, Type series BD2... 
84 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm
per EN 837-3, NS 100/160, Type series BD2... 
85 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm
per EN 837-3, NS 100/160, Type series BD2... 
86 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm
per EN 837-3, NS 100/160, Type series BD2... 
87 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm
per EN 837-3, NS 100/160, Type series BD2... 
88 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm
per EN 837-3, NS 100/160, Type series BD2... 
89 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm
per EN 837-3, NS 100/160, Type series BD2... 
90 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm
highly overload resistant, NS 100/160, Type series BD32../BD33.. 
91 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm
highly overload resistant, NS 100/160, Type series BD32../BD33.. 
92 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm
highly overload resistant, NS 100/160, Type series BD32../BD33.. 
93 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm
highly overload resistant, NS 100/160, Type series BD32../BD33.. 
94 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
95 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
96 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
97 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
98 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
99 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
100 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
101 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
102 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
103 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
104 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
105 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
106 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
107 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
108 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
109 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
110 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
111 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
112 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
113 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
114 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
115 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
116 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
117 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE4... 
118 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with diaphragm seal connection and switch function Type series BR42..  BR4200
119 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with diaphragm seal connection and switch function Type series BR42..  BR4201
120 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with diaphragm seal connection and switch function Type series BR42..  BR4210
121 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with diaphragm seal connection and switch function Type series BR42..  BR4211
122 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with diaphragm seal connection and switch function Type series BR42..  BR4220
123 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with diaphragm seal connection and switch function Type series BR42..  BR4221
124 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with diaphragm seal connection and switch function Type series BR42..  BR4230
125 Bourdon tube pressure gauge with diaphragm seal connection and switch function Type series BR42..  BR4231
126 Diaphragm pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE2 . . . 
127 Diaphragm pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE2 . . . 
128 Diaphragm pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE2 . . . 
129 Diaphragm pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE2 . . . 
130 Diaphragm pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE2 . . . 
131 Diaphragm pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE2 . . . 
132 Diaphragm pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE2 . . . 
133 Diaphragm pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE2 . . . 
134 Diaphragm pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE2 . . . 
135 Diaphragm pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE2 . . . 
136 Diaphragm pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE2 . . . 
137 Diaphragm pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE2 . . . 
138 Diaphragm pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE2 . . . 
139 Diaphragm pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE2 . . . 
140 Diaphragm pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE2 . . . 
141 Diaphragm pressure gauge with switch function
NS 100/160, Type series BE2 . . . 
142 Absolute pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
Type series BF2…
143 Absolute pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
Type series BF2…
144 Absolute pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
Type series BF2…
145 Absolute pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
Type series BF2…
146 Absolute pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
Type series BF2…
147 Absolute pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
Type series BF2…
148 Absolute pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
Type series BF2…
149 Absolute pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
Type series BF2…
150 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
 Type series BG2… 
151 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
 Type series BG2… 
152 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
 Type series BG2… 
153 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
 Type series BG2… 
154 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
 Type series BG2… 
155 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
 Type series BG2… 
156 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
 Type series BG2… 
157 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
 Type series BG2… 
158 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
 Type series BG2… 
159 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
 Type series BG2… 
160 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
 Type series BG2… 
161 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
 Type series BG2… 
162 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
 Type series BG2… 
163 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
 Type series BG2… 
164 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
 Type series BG2… 
165 Differential pressure gauge with diaphragm and switch function
 Type series BG2… 
166 Differential pressure gauge with switch function, highly resistant to excess pressure Type series BG3...  BG3200
167 Differential pressure gauge with switch function, highly resistant to excess pressure Type series BG3...  BG3201
168 Differential pressure gauge with switch function, highly resistant to excess pressure Type series BG3...  BG3240
169 Differential pressure gauge with switch function, highly resistant to excess pressure Type series BG3...  BG3241
170 Differential pressure gauge with switch function, highly resistant to excess pressure Type series BG3...  BG3330
171 Differential pressure gauge with switch function, highly resistant to excess pressure Type series BG3...  BG3331
172 Differential pressure gauge with switch function, highly resistant to excess pressure Type series BG3...  BG3340
173 Differential pressure gauge with switch function, highly resistant to excess pressure Type series BG3...  BG3341
174 Pressure switch with bourdon tube for plants requiring special supervision
Type series BN4... 
175 Pressure switch with bourdon tube for plants requiring special supervision
Type series BN4... 
176 Pressure switch with bourdon tube for plants requiring special supervision
Type series BN4... 
177 Pressure switch with bourdon tube for plants requiring special supervision
Type series BN4... 
178 Pressure switch with bourdon tube for plants requiring special supervision
Type series BN4... 
179 Pressure switch with bourdon tube for plants requiring special supervision
Type series BN4... 
180 Pressure switch with bourdon tube for plants requiring special supervision
Type series BN4... 
181 Pressure switch with bourdon tube for plants requiring special supervision
Type series BN4... 
182 Pressure switch with bourdon tube for plants requiring special supervision
Type series BN4... 
183 Pressure switch with bourdon tube for plants requiring special supervision
Type series BN4... 
184 Pressure switch with bourdon tube for plants requiring special supervision
Type series BN4... 
185 Pressure switch with bourdon tube for plants requiring special supervision
Type series BN4... 
186 Pressure switch with bourdon tube, special design
Type series BP4... 
187 Pressure switch with bourdon tube, special design
Type series BP4... 
188 Pressure switch with bourdon tube, special design
Type series BP4... 
189 Pressure switch with bourdon tube, special design
Type series BP4... 
190 Pressure switch with bourdon tube, special design
Type series BP4... 
191 Pressure switch with bourdon tube, special design
Type series BP4... 
192 Pressure switch with bourdon tube, special design
Type series BP4... 
193 Pressure switch with bourdon tube, special design
Type series BP4... 
194 Pressure switch with bourdon tube, special design
Type series BP4... 
195 Pressure switch with bourdon tube, special design
Type series BP4... 
196 Pressure switch with bourdon tube, special design
Type series BP4... 
197 Pressure switch with bourdon tube, special design
Type series BP4... 

Electronic Pressure Measurement

198 Pressure transmitter PASCAL Ci4 for general application
Type series CI4100
199 Pressure transmitter PASCAL Ci4 for general application
Type series CI4100
200 Pressure transmitter PASCAL Ci4 for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology
Type series CI4110
201 Pressure transmitter PASCAL Ci4 for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology
Type series CI4110
202 Pressure transmitter PASCAL Ci4 for diaphragm seal
Type series CI4120
203 Pressure transmitter PASCAL Ci4 for diaphragm seal
Type series CI4120
204 Pressure transmitter PASCAL CV for general application
Type series CV3100, CV3101
205 Pressure transmitter PASCAL CV for general application
Type series CV3100, CV3101
206 Pressure transmitter PASCAL CV, standard process connections,
for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology, Type series CV311.-..-K. 
207 Pressure transmitter PASCAL CV, standard process connections,
for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology, Type series CV311.-..-K. 
208 Pressure transmitter PASCAL CV with diaphragm seals
for chemical/petrochemical industry, Type series CV312.-....-D 
209 Pressure transmitter PASCAL CV with diaphragm seals
for chemical/petrochemical industry, Type series CV312.-....-D 
210 Pressure transmitter PASCAL CS for general application
Type series CS2100 
211 Pressure transmitter PASCAL CS for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology
Type series CS2110 
212 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL CA for general application,
Type series CA2100
213 Pressure transmitter Universal CA for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology
Type series CA2110 
214 Pressure transmitter  COMPACT HYDROGEN
Type series CA1600 
215 Pressure transmitter COMPACT ECO for general application
Type series  CA1100 
216 Pressure transmitter COMPACT ECO for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology
Type series  CA1110 
217 Pressure transmitter COMPACT for general application,
 Type series CB60 . ./CE61 . . 
218 Pressure transmitter COMPACT for general application,
 Type series CB60 . ./CE61 . . 
219 Pressure transmitter COMPACT for general application,
 Type series CB60 . ./CE61 . . 
220 Pressure transmitter COMPACT for general application,
 Type series CB60 . ./CE61 . . 
221 Pressure transmitter COMPACT for general application,
 Type series CB60 . ./CE61 . . 
222 Pressure transmitter COMPACT for general application,
 Type series CB60 . ./CE61 . . 
223 Pressure transmitter COMPACT for general application,
 Type series CB60 . ./CE61 . . 
224 Pressure transmitter COMPACT for general application,
 Type series CB60 . ./CE61 . . 
225 Accessories
welded socket of stainless steel G 1/2" 
226 Pressure transmitter COMPACT for food /pharmaceutical/bioengineering
Type series CC6000-F
227 Pressure transmitter COMPACT for food /pharmaceutical/bioengineering
Type series CC6000-F
228 Pressure transmitter COMPACT for food /pharmaceutical/bioengineering
Type series CC6000-F
229 Pressure transmitter COMPACT for food /pharmaceutical/bioengineering
Type series CC6000-F
230 Pressure transmitter COMPACT for chemical/petrochemical, type series CC6000-C CC6010-C
231 Pressure transmitter COMPACT for chemical/petrochemical, type series CC6000-C CC6011-C
232 Pressure transmitter COMPACT for chemical/petrochemical, type series CC6000-C CC6020-C
233 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL with internal diaphragm CB1020
234 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL with internal diaphragm CB1021
235 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL with internal diaphragm CB2020
236 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL with internal diaphragm CB2021
237 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL with flush mounted diaphragm CE1020
238 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL with flush mounted diaphragm CE1021
239 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL with flush mounted diaphragm CE2020
240 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL with flush mounted diaphragm CE2021
241 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL thin film DMS CB1030
242 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL thin film DMS CB1031
243 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL thin film DMS CB2030
244 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL thin film DMS CB2031
245 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL Heavy Duty Design
Type series CB203. HDD 
CB2030 HDD
246 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL Heavy Duty Design
Type series CB203. HDD 
CB2031 HDD
247 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL for diaphragm seal operation CC1020
248 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL for diaphragm seal operation CC1021
249 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL for diaphragm seal operation CC2020
250 Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL for diaphragm seal operation CC2021
251 Pressure transmitter, piezoresistive principle CD1020
252 Pressure transmitter, piezoresistive principle CD1021
253 Pressure transmitter, piezoresistive principle CD2020
254 Pressure transmitter, piezoresistive principle CD2021
255 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5200
256 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5201
257 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5210
258 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5211
259 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5220
260 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5221
261 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5230
262 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5231
263 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5500
264 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5501
265 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5540
266 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5541
267 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5300
268 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5301
269 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5310
270 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5311
271 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5320
272 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5321
273 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5330
274 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5331
275 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5600
276 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5601
277 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5640
278 Pressure transmitter, safety pattern gauge, Type series CK5 CK5641
279 Differential pressure transmitter PASCAL Ci4 Delta P
for general application, Type series CI4300 
280 Differential pressure transmitter PASCAL Ci4 Delta P for diaphragm seal operation Type series CI4330  CI4330 
281 Pressure transmitter PASCAL CV Delta P for general applications
 Type series CV3300 
282 Differential pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL for filter monitoring CP1310
283 Differential pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL for filter monitoring CP1311
Diaphragm Seales
1 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology, aseptic design DIN 11864, Südmo, Guth, Neumo BioConnect, Type Series DL5…  DL5110
2 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology, aseptic design DIN 11864, Südmo, Guth, Neumo BioConnect, Type Series DL5…  DL5120
3 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology, aseptic design DIN 11864, Südmo, Guth, Neumo BioConnect, Type Series DL5…  DL5130
4 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology, aseptic design DIN 11864, Südmo, Guth, Neumo BioConnect, Type Series DL5…  DL5140
5 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology, aseptic design DIN 11864, Südmo, Guth, Neumo BioConnect, Type Series DL5…  DL5150
6 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology, VARIVENT,
Type Series DL8080 
7 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology
Neumo Biocontrol, Type Series DL8110
8 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology, process connection per Ingold, Type series DL8090 DL8090
9 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DRD-connection, Type Series DD4100 
10 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
aseptic flange connection DIN 11864-2, Type Series DH.… 
11 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
aseptic flange connection DIN 11864-2, Type Series DH.… 
12 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
aseptic flange connection DIN 11864-2, Type Series DH.… 
13 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
aseptic flange connection DIN 11864-2, Type Series DH.… 
14 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
aseptic flange connection DIN 11864-2, Type Series DH.… 
15 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
aseptic flange connection DIN 11864-2, Type Series DH.… 
16 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
aseptic flange connection DIN 11864-2, Type Series DH.… 
17 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
aseptic flange connection DIN 11864-2, Type Series DH.… 
18 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
aseptic flange connection DIN 11864-2, Type Series DH.… 
19 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
aseptic flange connection DIN 11864-2, Type Series DH.… 
20 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
aseptic flange connection DIN 11864-2, Type Series DH.… 
21 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
aseptic flange connection DIN 11864-2, Type Series DH.… 
22 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
aseptic flange connection DIN 11864-2, Type Series DH.… 
23 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
aseptic flange connection DIN 11864-2, Type Series DH.… 
24 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
aseptic flange connection DIN 11864-2, Type Series DH.… 
25 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
HYGIENIC Tubus Ø 76 mm with clamping flange, Type series DL81.. 
26 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
HYGIENIC Tubus Ø 76 mm with clamping flange, Type series DL81.. 
27 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
HYGIENIC Tubus Ø101 mm with clamp connection, Type series DL8140 
28 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
HYGIENIC Tubus Ø 43.3 mm with screwing DN 25, Type series DL9014 
29 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
HYGIENIC Tubus Ø 52.5 mm with screwing DN 40, Type series DL9015
30 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnolgy,
screw-in thread HYGIENIC, gasket-free, Type series DE2130
31 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
32 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
33 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
34 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
35 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
36 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
37 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
38 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
39 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
40 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
41 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
42 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
43 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
44 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
45 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
46 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
47 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
48 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
49 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
50 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
51 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
52 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
53 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
54 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
55 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
56 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
57 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
58 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
59 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
60 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
61 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
62 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
63 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
64 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
DIN 11851, IDF and SMS, Type series DL1/2.., DL6/7..  
65 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Clamp connection per ISO 2852, DIN 32676, Type series DL3 . . . / DL4 . . .
66 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Clamp connection per ISO 2852, DIN 32676, Type series DL3 . . . / DL4 . . .
67 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Clamp connection per ISO 2852, DIN 32676, Type series DL3 . . . / DL4 . . .
68 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Clamp connection per ISO 2852, DIN 32676, Type series DL3 . . . / DL4 . . .
69 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Clamp connection per ISO 2852, DIN 32676, Type series DL3 . . . / DL4 . . .
70 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Clamp connection per ISO 2852, DIN 32676, Type series DL3 . . . / DL4 . . .
71 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Clamp connection per ISO 2852, DIN 32676, Type series DL3 . . . / DL4 . . .
72 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Clamp connection per ISO 2852, DIN 32676, Type series DL3 . . . / DL4 . . .
73 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Clamp connection per ISO 2852, DIN 32676, Type series DL3 . . . / DL4 . . .
74 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Clamp connection per ISO 2852, DIN 32676, Type series DL3 . . . / DL4 . . .
75 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Clamp connection per ISO 2852, DIN 32676, Type series DL3 . . . / DL4 . . .
76 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Clamp connection per ISO 2852, DIN 32676, Type series DL3 . . . / DL4 . . .
77 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Clamp connection per ISO 2852, DIN 32676, Type series DL3 . . . / DL4 . . .
78 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Clamp connection per ISO 2852, DIN 32676, Type series DL3 . . . / DL4 . . .
79 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
Clamp connection per ISO 2852, DIN 32676, Type series DL3 . . . / DL4 . . .
80 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
design for fermenter, Type series DE2110 
81 Diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
design for homogenizers, Type series DD8020
82 Diaphragm seal for general applications, flange-type per EN und ASME, Type series DA . . . .  DA1 …
83 Diaphragm seal for general applications, flange-type per EN und ASME, Type series DA . . . .  DA2 …
84 Diaphragm seal for general applications, flange-type per EN und ASME, Type series DA . . . .  DA4 …
85 Diaphragm seal for general applications, flange-type per EN und ASME, Type series DA . . . .  DA7 …
86 Diaphragm seal for general applications, flange-type per EN und ASME, Type series DA . . . .  DA5 …
87 Diaphragm seal for general applications, flange-type per EN und ASME, Type series DA . . . .  DA51 …
88 Diaphragm seal for general applications, flange-type per EN und ASME, Type series DA . . . .  DA6 …
89 Diaphragm seal for general applications, flange-type per EN 1092-1 and ASME B16.5, for low pressure applications, Type series DA810 .  DA8100
90 Diaphragm seal for general applications, flange-type per EN 1092-1 and ASME B16.5, for low pressure applications, Type series DA810 .  DA8102
91 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
flange-type with diaphragm extension, Type series DB . . . . 
DB1 …
92 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
flange-type with diaphragm extension, Type series DB . . . . 
DB2 …
93 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
flange-type with diaphragm extension, Type series DB . . . . 
DB4 …
94 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
flange-type with diaphragm extension, Type series DB . . . . 
DB7 …
95 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
flange-type with diaphragm extension, Type series DB . . . . 
DB5 …
96 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
flange-type with diaphragm extension, Type series DB . . . . 
DB51 …
97 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
flange-type with diaphragm extension, Type series DB . . . . 
DB6 …
98 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
screw-in thread, Type series DE1 . . . 
99 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
screw-in thread, Type series DE1 . . . 
100 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
screw-in thread, Type series DE1 . . . 
101 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
screw-in thread, Type series DE1 . . . 
102 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
screw-in thread, Type series DE1 . . . 
103 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
screw-in thread, Type series DE1 . . . 
104 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
screw-in thread, Type series DE1 . . . 
105 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
screw-in thread, Type series DE1 . . . 
106 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
screw-in thread, Type series DE1 . . . 
107 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
screw-in thread, Type series DE1 . . . 
108 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
cell-type, Type series DC . . . . 
109 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
cell-type, Type series DC . . . . 
110 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
cell-type, Type series DC . . . . 
111 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
cell-type, Type series DC . . . . 
112 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
cell-type, Type series DC . . . . 
113 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
cell-type, Type series DC . . . . 
114 Diaphragm seal for general applications,
cell-type, Type series DC . . . . 
115 Diaphragm seal for special applications,
variable connections, Type series DD111 .
116 Diaphragm seal for special applications,
variable connections, Type series DD111 .
117 Diaphragm seal for special applications,
welded design, Type series DD8030
118 Diaphragm seal for special applications,
saddle flange design, Type series DD4200
119 Diaphragm seal made of plastic,
Type series DD8040 
120 Diaphragm seal for special applications
in pulp industry, Type series DD8010
121 Diaphragm seal for high temperature applications,
Type series DB90.. 
122 Inline diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnik,
DIN 11851, IDF and clamp, Type series DF . . . . 
123 Inline diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnik,
DIN 11851, IDF and clamp, Type series DF . . . . 
124 Inline diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnik,
DIN 11851, IDF and clamp, Type series DF . . . . 
125 Inline diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnik,
DIN 11851, IDF and clamp, Type series DF . . . . 
126 Inline diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnik,
DIN 11851, IDF and clamp, Type series DF . . . . 
127 Inline diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology, aseptic design per DIN 11864, SÜDMO, GUTH, Type series DF6 . .  DF61..
128 Inline diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology, aseptic design per DIN 11864, SÜDMO, GUTH, Type series DF6 . .  DF62..
129 Inline diaphragm seal for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology, aseptic design per DIN 11864, SÜDMO, GUTH, Type series DF6 . .  DF63..
130 Inline diaphragm seal for aseptic couplings
NEUMO BioConnect, Type series DF6 . . . 
131 Inline diaphragm seal for aseptic couplings
NEUMO BioConnect, Type series DF6 . . . 
132 Inline diaphragm seal with threated pipe connection, Type series DS1260 DS1260
133 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP21..
134 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP22..
135 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP23..
136 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP24..
137 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP25..
138 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP26..
139 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP27..
140 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP28..
141 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP29..
142 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP61..
143 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP62..
144 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP63..
145 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP64..
146 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP65..
147 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP66..
148 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP67..
149 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP68..
150 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection cell design, Type series DP . . . .  DP69..
151 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection, Type series DP410 .  DP4100
152 Inline diaphragm seal for general applications, flange connection, Type series DP410 .  DP4102

2. Thiết Bị Đo Và Giám Sát Nhiệt Độ LABOM | Temperature Measurement LABOM

Thiết Bị Đo Nhiệt Độ Labom

- Đồng Hồ Đo Nhiệt Độ Điện Tử Labom | Cảm biến Nhiệt Độ Điện Tử Labom : Cảm biến điện trở sử dụng hiệu ứng điện trở của vật liệu thay đổi tùy thuộc vào nhiệt độ của nó. Sự thay đổi điện trở này có thể lần lượt được đo và chuyển đổi thành phép đo nhiệt độ. Nhiệt kế điện trở Pt100 / Pt1000 được sử dụng ở bất cứ nơi nào cần độ chính xác cao. Đồng Hồ Đo Nhiệt Độ Điện Tử Labom cho phép kết nối với tất cả các cảm biến Pt thông thường và có thể dễ dàng tham số trực tuyến thông qua giao diện cục bộ hoặc qua HART hoặc Profibus.

- Đồng Hồ Đo Nhiệt Độ Labom ( Dạng Cơ ) : Thiết bị đo nhiệt độ cơ học có thiết kế đơn giản,  Nhiệt kế quay số LABOM tương ứng với các yêu cầu của EN 13190.

- Thermowell Labom : thường được sử dụng khi chúng vẫn ở trong môi trường đo và chỉ có cảm biến nhiệt độ được thay thế hoặc trang bị thêm hoặc phương tiện đo không được chạm trực tiếp vào cảm biến nhiệt độ. 

► Danh Mục Mã Sản Phẩm Thiết Bị Đo Nhiệt Độ Labom


Product name


Mechanical Temperature Measurement
1 Bimetall thermometer centre back connection FA2300
2 Bimetall thermometer centre back connection FA2500
3 Bimetall thermometer centre back connection FA3300
4 Bimetall thermometer centre back connection FA3500
5 Bimetall thermometer radial bottom connection FA2400
6 Bimetall thermometer radial bottom connection FA2600
7 Bimetall thermometer radial bottom connection FA3400
8 Bimetall thermometer radial bottom connection FA3600
9 Bimetal thermometer adjustable angel stem FA2310
10 Bimetal thermometer adjustable angel stem FA2510
11 Bimetal thermometer adjustable angel stem FA3310
12 Bimetal thermometer adjustable angel stem FA3510
13 Gas expansion thermometer radial bottom or centre back connection FN2400
14 Gas expansion thermometer radial bottom or centre back connection FN2300
15 Gas expansion thermometer radial bottom or centre back connection FN2600
16 Gas expansion thermometer radial bottom or centre back connection FN2500
17 Gas expansion thermometer radial bottom or centre back connection FN3400
18 Gas expansion thermometer radial bottom or centre back connection FN3300
19 Gas expansion thermometer radial bottom or centre back connection FN3600
20 Gas expansion thermometer radial bottom or centre back connection FN3500
21 Gas expansion thermometer adjustable angel stem FN2310
22 Gas expansion thermometer adjustable angel stem FN2510
23 Gas expansion thermometer adjustable angel stem FN3310
24 Gas expansion thermometer adjustable angel stem FN3510
25 Gas expansion thermometer with capillary FN2430
26 Gas expansion thermometer with capillary FN2330
27 Gas expansion thermometer with capillary FN2630
28 Gas expansion thermometer with capillary FN2530
29 Gas expansion thermometer with capillary FN3430
30 Gas expansion thermometer with capillary FN3330
31 Gas expansion thermometer with capillary FN3630
32 Gas expansion thermometer with capillary FN3530
33 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN2460
34 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN2420
35 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN2440
36 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN2360
37 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN2320
38 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN2340
39 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN2660
40 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN2620
41 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN2640
42 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN2560
43 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN2520
44 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN2540
45 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN3460
46 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN3420
47 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN3440
48 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN3360
49 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN3320
50 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN3340
51 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN3660
52 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN3620
53 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN3640
54 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN3560
55 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN3520
56 Gas expansion thermometer with clip-on bulb FN3540
57 Gas expansion thermometer with inline temperature transducer FS2400
58 Gas expansion thermometer with inline temperature transducer FS3400
59 Gas expansion thermometer with inline temperature transducer FS2600
60 Gas expansion thermometer with inline temperature transducer FS3600
61 Bimetall thermometer with switch function, radial bottom or centre back connection FP2300
62 Bimetall thermometer with switch function, radial bottom or centre back connection FP2301
63 Bimetall thermometer with switch function, radial bottom or centre back connection FP2400
64 Bimetall thermometer with switch function, radial bottom or centre back connection FP2401
65 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU2400
66 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU2401
67 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU3400
68 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU3401
69 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU2600
70 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU2601
71 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU3600
72 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU3601
73 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU2300
74 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU2301
75 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU3300
76 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU3301
77 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU2500
78 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU2501
79 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU3500
80 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU3501
81 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU2310
82 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU2311
83 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU3310
84 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU3311
85 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU2510
86 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU2511
87 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU3510
88 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function FU3511
89 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and capillary FU2430
90 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and capillary FU2431
91 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and capillary FU3430
92 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and capillary FU3431
93 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and capillary FU2630
94 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and capillary FU2631
95 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and capillary FU3630
96 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and capillary FU3631
97 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and capillary FU2330
98 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and capillary FU2331
99 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and capillary FU3330
100 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and capillary FU3331
101 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and capillary FU2530
102 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and capillary FU2531
103 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and capillary FU3530
104 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and capillary FU3531
105 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU2460
106 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU2461
107 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU3460
108 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU3461
109 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU2660
110 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU2661
111 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU3660
112 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU3661
113 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU2360
114 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU2361
115 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU3360
116 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU3361
117 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU2560
118 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU2561
119 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU3560
120 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU3561
121 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU2440
122 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU2441
123 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU3440
124 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU3441
125 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU2640
126 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU2641
127 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU3640
128 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU3641
129 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU2420
130 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU2421
131 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU3420
132 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU3421
133 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU2620
134 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU2621
135 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU3620
136 Gas expansion thermometer with switch function and and clip-on bulb FU3621

Electronic Temperature Measurement

1 Resistance thermometer MiniTherm for general application GA2700
2 Resistance thermometer MiniTherm for general application GA2701
3 Resistance thermometer MiniTherm for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology GA2700HY
4 Resistance thermometer MiniTherm for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology GA2701HY
5 Resistance thermometer MiniTherm for installation in a separate thermowell, Type series GA2730  GA2730
6 Resistance thermometer Pt 100 for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology GA2540
7 Resistance thermometer Pt 100 for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology GA2541
8 Resistance thermometer Pt 100 without thermowell GA2500
9 Resistance thermometer Pt 100 without thermowell GA2501
10 Resistance Thermometer Pt 100 with screw-in thermowell or with flange connection GA2510
11 Resistance Thermometer Pt 100 with screw-in thermowell or with flange connection GA2511
12 Resistance thermometer Pt 100 with weld-in thermowell GA2520
13 Resistance thermometer Pt 100 with weld-in thermowell GA2521
14 Inline temperature transducer with Pt 100 GA2200HY
15 Resistance thermometer Clamp-on technology for temperature measurement on pipes GA2610
16 Resistance thermometer Clamp-on technology for temperature measurement on pipes GA2611
17 Resistance thermometers for measuring surface temperature  GA2650
18 Resistance thermometers for measuring surface temperature  GA2651
19 Electrical 2-wire temperature switch Clamp-on technology GP2610
20 Outdoor and indoor resistance thermometer,  sturdy design, Type series GA810.  GA8100
21 Outdoor and indoor resistance thermometer,  sturdy design, Type series GA810.  GA8101


1 Weld-in thermomwell per DIN 43772, form 4, solid drilled, female thread, Type series HB8010  HB8010 
2 Thermowell screw-in type per DIN 43772, form 5, welded, female thread, Type series HA8010  HA8010 
3 Thermowell screw-in type per DIN 43772,  form 6, solid drilled, female thread, Type series HA8020  HA8020 
4 Thermowell screw-in type per DIN 43772,   form 7, solid drilled, female thread, Type series HA8020  HA8020 
5 Thermowell screw-in type per DIN 43772,  form 8, welded, male thread, Type series HA8030  HA8030 
6 Thermowell screw-in type per DIN 43772, form 9, solid drilled, male thread, Type series HA8050  HA8050 
7 Thermowell system HIT for Hygienic Invasive Temperature measuring, Type series HP1100  HP1100
8 Thermowells for resistance thermometer MiniTherm
Type series HP1200

3. Thiết Bị Đo Mức Labom | Level Measurement Labom

Thiết Bị Đo Mức Labom | Level Measurement Labom

- Công Tắc Giới Hạn Đo Mức Labom: được sử dụng để phát hiện các mức làm đầy và để bảo vệ phù hợp với chất lỏng hoặc chất dính. 

- Thiết Bị Đo Mức Điện Tử Labom : dùng để đo mức đầy phù hợp với đo lường mức độ, dung tích bể và áp suất của tàu khí quyển.

► Danh Mục Mã Sản Phẩm Thiết Bị Đo Mức Labom


Product name


1 Level transmitter PASCAL Ci4 LEVEL for atmospheric vessels,  type series CI420.  CI4200
2 Level transmitter PASCAL Ci4 LEVEL for atmospheric vessels,  type series CI420.  CI4203
3 Level transmitter PASCAL Ci4 LEVEL with plus-sided mounted diaphragm seal, Type series CI4400 CI4400
4 Submersible pressure transmitter for hydrostatic level measurement CG2010
5 Submersible pressure transmitter for hydrostatic level measurement CG2011
6 Limit switch LIMES for Food/Pharma/Biotechnology, Type series LV1110-MO1  LV1110-MO1

4. Phụ Kiện Thiết Bị Hãng Labom 

Phụ Kiện Thiết Bị Hãng Labom 

- Labom cung cấp các thiết bị hỗ trợ cho việc đo áp suất, Nhiệt Độ Và Xử lý tín hiệu số cho việc đo và giám sát nhiệt độ, áp suất, và mức lưu lượng.

► Danh Mục Mã Sản Phẩm Thiế Bị Phụ Kiện Labom



Product name


1 Electronical angle-of-rotation sensor PL1100
2 Electronical angle-of-rotation sensor PL1101
3 Inline unit ASEPTconnect for clamp-connection per DIN 11864, model A, Type series MZ2300  MZ2300
4 Wall bracket per DIN 16281, model H MM1100
5 Wall bracket per DIN 16281, model H MM1200
6 Wall bracket similar DIN 16281, model A, for surface, pipe and frame mounting MM1110
7 Wall bracket similar DIN 16281, model A, for surface, pipe and frame mounting MM1210
8 Transition piece for wall bracket per DIN 16281  MM2010
9 Mounting angle for differential pressure instruments for surface, pipe and frame mounting MM1500
10 Mounting plate for valve manifold for surface, pipe and frame mounting MM1510
11 Shut-off valve per DIN 16270 MV1010
12 Shut-off valve per DIN 16270 MV1020
13 Shut-off valve per DIN 16270 MV1030
14 Shut-off valve per DIN 16271 MV2010
15 Shut-off valve per DIN 16271 MV2020
16 Shut-off valve per DIN 16271 MV2030
17 Shut-off valve similar to DIN 16271 MV3010
18 Shut-off valve similar to DIN 16271 MV3020
19 Shut-off valve similar to DIN 16271 MV3030
20 Shut-off valve per DIN 16272 MV4010
21 Shut-off valve per DIN 16272 MV4020
22 Shut-off valve per DIN 16272 MV4030
23 Shut-off valve similar to DIN 16272 MV5010
24 Shut-off valve similar to DIN 16272 MV5020
25 Shut-off valve similar to DIN 16272 MV5030
26 Valve manifold directly flanged DIN EN 61518 MV6210
27 Syphon for horizontal pressure tapping (u-shape) DIN 16282, model B MW1010 
28 Syphon for horizontal pressure tapping (u-shape) DIN 16282, model B MW1020 
29 Syphon for horizontal pressure tapping (u-shape) DIN 16282, model B MW1040 
30 Syphon for horizontal pressure tapping (u-shape) DIN 16282, model B MW2010 
31 Syphon for horizontal pressure tapping (u-shape) DIN 16282, model B MW2020 
32 Syphon for horizontal pressure tapping (u-shape) DIN 16282, model B MW2040 
33 Syphon for vertical pressure tapping (pigtail) DIN 16282 MW3010 
34 Syphon for vertical pressure tapping (pigtail) DIN 16282 MW3020 
35 Syphon for vertical pressure tapping (pigtail) DIN 16282 MW3040 
36 Syphon for vertical pressure tapping (pigtail) DIN 16282 MW4010 
37 Syphon for vertical pressure tapping (pigtail) DIN 16282 MW4020 
38 Syphon for vertical pressure tapping (pigtail) DIN 16282 MW4040 
39 Pipe connector angle-type MD1010 
40 Pipe connector angle-type MD1020 
41 Pipe connector angle-type MD1040 
42 Pipe connector straight type MD2010 
43 Pipe connector straight type MD2020 
44 Pipe connector straight type MD2040 
45 Pulsation dampener MF1010 
46 Pulsation dampener MF1020 
47 Pulsation dampener MF1030 
48 Zone 0 adapter KF6 MF2100A11 
49 Zone 0 adapter KF6 MF2100A22
50 Zone 0 adapter KF6 MF2100A33
51 Threaded coupling for pressure gauges MR2010A11
52 Threaded coupling for pressure gauges MR2010A21
53 Threaded coupling for pressure gauges MR2010A31
54 Threaded coupling for pressure gauges MR2010A41
55 Threaded coupling for pressure gauges MR2020A11
56 Threaded coupling for pressure gauges MR2020A21
57 Threaded coupling for pressure gauges MR2020A31
58 Threaded coupling for pressure gauges MR2020A41
59 Threaded coupling for pressure gauges MR2030A11
60 Threaded coupling for pressure gauges MR2030A21
61 Threaded coupling for pressure gauges MR2030A31
62 Threaded coupling for pressure gauges MR2030A41
63 Tension bush per DIN 16283 MR3010A11
64 Tension bush per DIN 16283 MR3020A11
65 Tension bush per DIN 16283 MR3030A11
66 Connecting stud per DIN 16282, model 6 MR4010 
67 Connecting stud per DIN 16282, model 6 MR4020 
68 Connecting stud per DIN 16282, model 6 MR4030 
69 Connecting stud per DIN 16282, model 6 MR4110 
70 Connecting stud per DIN 16282, model 6 MR4120 
71 Connecting stud per DIN 16282, model 6 MR4130 
72 Nippel connections for pressure gauges per DIN 16284 MR5010 
73 Nippel connections for pressure gauges per DIN 16284 MR5020 
74 Nippel connections for pressure gauges per DIN 16284 MR5030 
75 Nippel connections for pressure gauges per DIN 16284 MR5110 
76 Nippel connections for pressure gauges per DIN 16284 MR5120 
77 Nippel connections for pressure gauges per DIN 16284 MR5130 
78 Sealing washers for pressure gauges per DIN EN 837 MS1100A2
79 Sealing washers for pressure gauges per DIN EN 837 MS1100A3
80 Sealing washers for pressure gauges per DIN EN 837 MS1100A4
81 Sealing washers for pressure gauges per DIN EN 837 MS1100A5
82 Sealing washers for pressure gauges per DIN EN 837 MS1100A6
83 Sealing washers for pressure gauges per DIN EN 837 MS1100A8
84 Sealing washers for pressure gauges per DIN EN 837 MS1200A2
85 Sealing washers for pressure gauges per DIN EN 837 MS1200A3
86 Sealing washers for pressure gauges per DIN EN 837 MS1200A4
87 Sealing washers for pressure gauges per DIN EN 837 MS1200A5
88 Sealing washers for pressure gauges per DIN EN 837 MS1200A6
89 Sealing washers for pressure gauges per DIN EN 837 MS1200A8
90 Overload protection DU3000-A1
91 Welded socket MC1000-A1
92 Weld-in socket MZ2011-D2546
93 Weld-in socket MZ2011-D5160
94 Weld-in flange MZ2010
95 Weld-in flange MZ2010-HY
96 Accessories
sealing washers, material: PTFE gasket fiber-glass reinforced 65x50x1
97 Accessories
4 pieces hexagon screws M10x25 DIN 933
material stainless steel mat.-no. 1.4571 (316Ti)
98 Weld-in adapter MZ2040-HY
99 Weld-in adapter MZ2050-HY
100 Weld-in flange MZ2020-HY-E7
101 Accessories
4 pieces hexagon screws M8x20 DIN 933, stainless steel mat.-no. 1.4301 (304)
102 Weld-in flange MZ2030-HY-E1
103 Accessories
mounting bracket 
104 Process adapter for HYGIENIC G1A
Welded socket
105 Process adapter for HYGIENIC G1A
Welded socket
106 Process adapter for HYGIENIC G1A
Welded socket
107 Process adapter for HYGIENIC G1A
Welded socket
108 Process adapter for HYGIENIC G1A
Welded socket
109 Process adapter for HYGIENIC G1A
Welded socket
110 Process adapter for HYGIENIC G1A
Welded socket
111 Process adapter for HYGIENIC G1A
Welded socket
112 Process adapter for HYGIENIC G1A
Welded socket
113 Process adapter for HYGIENIC G1A
Welded socket
114 Process adapter for HYGIENIC G1A
Welded socket
115 Process adapter for HYGIENIC G1A
Welded socket
116 Process adapter for HYGIENIC G1A
Welded socket
117 Process adapter for HYGIENIC G1A
Welded socket
118 Process adapter for HYGIENIC G1A
Welded socket
119 Circular connector with molded cable UG3330A11
120 Circular connector with molded cable UG3330A21
121 Measuring inserts for resistance thermometers GA2130
122 Measuring inserts for resistance thermometers GA2131
123 Measuring inserts for n-process calibration GA3130
124 Measuring inserts for n-process calibration GA3131
125 Reference sensor for In-process calibration GA3110
126 Transmitter for temperature, head mounting for Pt 100, SITRANS TH100  PA2100
127 Transmitter for temperature, head mounting for Pt 100, SITRANS TH100  PA2101
128 Transmitter for temperature, head mounting for Pt 100, SITRANS TH200  PA2200
129 Transmitter for temperature, head mounting for Pt 100, SITRANS TH200  PA2201
130 Transmitter for temperature, head mounting for Pt 100, SITRANS TH300 PA2300
131 Transmitter for temperature, head mounting for Pt 100, SITRANS TH300 PA2301
132 Transmitter for temperature  PA2240
133 Transmitter for temperature head mounting programmable PA2250F11
134 Transmitter for temperature head mounting programmable PA2250F12
135 Transmitter for temperature head mounting programmable PA2251F11
136 Transmitter for temperature head mounting programmable PA2251F12
137 Transmitter for temperature, programmable  PA2430F11
138 Transmitter for temperature, programmable  PA2430F12
139 Welding socket MT4110A10
140 Welding socket MT4110A20
141 Welding socket MT4120A10
142 Welding socket MT4120A20
143 Welding socket MT4210A10
144 Welding socket MT4210A20
145 Welding socket MT4220A10
146 Welding socket MT4220A20
147 Welding socket MT4310A10
148 Welding socket MT4310A20
149 Welding socket MT4320A10
150 Welding socket MT4320A20
151 Sliding screwing MT2100
152 Sliding screwing MT2200
153 Sliding screwing MT2300
154 Screwed socket MT1110
155 Screwed socket MT1120
156 Screwed socket MT1210
157 Screwed socket MT1220
158 Double nipple MT3110
159 Double nipple MT3120
160 Double nipple MT3210
161 Double nipple MT3220
162 Weld-in socket G 1/2 MT8100A1
163 Weld-in socket G 1/2 MT8100A2
164 Weld-in socket M12 x 1.5 for top of pipe neck MT8110A5
165 Heat sink compound, non-silicone  MT8800A1
Signal Processing
167 Loop-powered isolator
Type series A47
168 Standard-signal isolator with power supply
VARITRANS P15000, Type series P15000H1
169 Repeater power supply
Type series WG21
170 Loop-powered supply
Type series WG25
171 LED on-site indication, programmable
Type series PH1520
172 Smart process meter
Type series PAX P
173 Smart temperatur meter
Type series PAX T
174 Dual process input meter
Type series PH1410
175 Universal panel indicator
Type series PH5100
176 Contact protection relay
for touch contacts, Type series PG1 . . .
PG1 . . .
177 Switching amplifier
for inductive proximity switches, Type series PG2 . . .
PG2 . . .
178 Isolated switch amplifiers
Type series PG25 . ./PG26 . .
PG25 . .
179 Isolated switch amplifiers
Type series PG25 . ./PG26 . .
PG26 . .

- Tăng Minh Phát (TMP) Hiện Là nhà cung cấp các thiết bị của hãng Labom tại Việt Nam, Hãy liên hệ ngay cho chúng tôi để được hỗ trợ chi tiết về sản phẩm của hãng.

- Ngoài ra TMP còn cung cấp các thiết bị về đo Áp Suất, Nhiệt Độ, Đo Mức của nhiều hãng với xuất xứ ở các khu vực khác nhau theo nhu cầu của khác hàng.


Nhà Phân Phối Labom Tại Việt Nam


 VPĐD: Số 01, Đường 27, P.Hiệp Bình Chánh, TP Thủ Đức, TP. Hồ Chí Minh

 Ðiện Thoại:  (028) 35121007                Fax: (028) 35121008

►Nhân viên kinh doanh: Huỳnh Công Chính (Mr.)

 Email:  sale04@tmpvietnam.com        Tel:  0914 .573.068 

 VP tại Đức: Am Boscheler Berg 4a 52134 Herzogenrath

 Website: avantgarde-x.de

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